Services |
Property Transactions

Property Transactions

Expert services for all property transactions. Maher Attorneys Inc is experienced in serving all parties in real estate transactions, including buyers, sellers, lenders, landlords, and investors. Our firm has also effectively handled multiple property law disputes.
The composition of the practice

Property Deals Made Easy: Secure Your Investments

Real Estate Purchase & Sale
Title Deed Verification
Property Due Diligence
Lease Agreement Drafting
contact Mikayla

Mikayla Maher Andrews



Get to know more about what we have to offer with some frequently asked questions but please contact us and we will be happy to answer all of your questions!

What does your real estate service cover?

Our real estate services encompass buying, selling, and leasing properties, ensuring a smooth transaction.

Can you verify the authenticity of property titles?

Yes, we conduct thorough title deed verification to protect your property investment.

What is property due diligence, and why is it important?

Property due diligence includes legal checks to ensure the property is free of encumbrances, reducing risks.

Absolutely, we draft lease agreements that protect both landlords and tenants.

Absolutely, we draft lease agreements that protect both landlords and tenants.

How can you help with land use and zoning issues?

We provide expert guidance on land use and zoning regulations, helping you navigate complex legal requirements

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